Saturday 23 October 2010


Its been a couple of months since i last played this game but since the second infamous is due for release soon i thought why not give it a review to get us ready for infamous 2.

You play the role of Cole MacGrath who finds him self in the center of an explosion that brings chaos to the city of empire city, this is were the game starts and soon Cole discovers that he has a very strange power to control electricity as the game goes on Cole gains new powers and becomes stronger, but there is one question do you use these powers for good? or for evil? the great thing with this game is you can do either and which ever way you go you can see Cole change to become the hero or the villain.

This a great game with some very cool comic book strip scenes the game play is great its a great new twist on super hero's the story works very well with a huge twist at the end wont spoil it for those who haven't played this game yet but if you do play this get ready for that.

This game also has its own list of trophies it has 50 in total and as usual ill put the link below if your interested:

Total Top Spec Gaming Score 9.3 / 10 

As i mentioned earlier infamous 2 is on its way so far all we know is that its sometime in 2011 so fingers crossed it should be soon. here's a trailer looks pretty cool enjoy.

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