Its been 25 years since Mario first entered our living rooms and its been amazing transition from the pixleated Mario we started with to the Mario we know now. Seen as its his 25th birthday he definitely deserves a review and a look back at his past here on top spec gaming.
Super Mario Bros.
This is were it all began back in 1985 for the NES super Mario bros. If any one asks me whats a Mario game all about this game says it all: blocks, pipes, coins and jumping what more needs to be said. This is the game that made Nintendo the company it is today and has set the way for all video games since nearly all games now a days have evolved from this game. This game was the most sold game of all time until wii sports in 2009 so for 24 years this game stood at the number 1 podium that has to tell you something. The game play in this game is fluent easy to control and has you addicted from world 1-1 all the way to Bowsers final fight, as we all know the music is great, if you play the music from this game to anyone they will know straight away that's Mario. This game is set in the traditional worlds and levels each world has 4 levels always ending in a Bowsers castle where you save the princess oh wait shes in another castle :). For a simple game it has a lot of different levels and features there's water and underground levels there's 4 different power ups the mushroom which turns Mario big a flowers which allows fireballs to be thrown and a star which turns you invincible. With all this to keep you entertained super Mario bros has gaming down to a T.
Total Top Spec Gaming Score 9 / 10
Super Mario Bros. 2
Total Top Spec Gaming Score 9 / 10
Super Mario Bros. 2
This is a odd game in the Mario series and one many don't class as a proper Mario game, I my self think it is a Mario game just a different game and just because somethings different doesn't necessarily make it a bad game. A traditional Mario game has blocks to break, enemies that require jumping on to kill and coins this game has none of that there's no blocks, enemies don't die when jumped on you just get a slow ride backwards :) To kill enemies in this game you through vegetables at them that can be pulled from the ground and the only coins in this game are behind a magic door and buried underground yeah this is no ordinary Mario game at all. with all that in mind I think it was a great move from Nintendo to try something new and it worked very well I wouldn't say this is my favourite Mario game but I still play it every now and again so that says something. one thing this game shares with other Mario games is the leveling there is still 8 worlds and they still progress the same. **Spoiler alert** if you haven't played this game and want to don't read this next bit: if your wanting a reason for why this game is so strange you find out right at the end it was all a dream yer I know lame but hey does explain a lot.
Total Top Spec Gaming Score 7.5 / 10
Super Mario Bros. 3
The third game in the mario series was something so different from the previous 2 games but carried on more with the first title after super mario 2 nintendo got back to what a super mario game is all about the original machanics were brought back and were improved imensly to create one of my favourite mario games of all time. This game brought the introduction of a level select map giving more control over to the player about what levels he or she wanted to play and in what order they wanted which i think is a great addition, the second big improvement was in the powerups mario could obtain and how he used them, theres the original mushroom, star and fire flower from the previous mario game along with a racoon suit, frog suit, tanooki suit and hammer suit with the P wing, hammer, Goomba shoe and music box all to be used to. not only were there so many power ups but the way you used them was great items can be collected in the bottom bar and can be used when in the level select button which is great and means you will never be left stuck with mini mario on harder levels. all in all the game is great its got more story more length better graphics and a game that will keep you entertained for days if not months :)
Total Top Spec Gaming Score 7.5 / 10
Super Mario Bros. 3

Total Top Spec Gaming Score 10 / 10