Friday, 25 February 2011

Bafta Game Awards

I recently received an email from Game the other day telling me about the British academy video game awards which I found pretty interesting. There's 10 games to choose from and basically vote for your favourite, there games from all genres and platforms Here's the choices:

Call Of Duty: Black Ops - (PS3, Xbox360, Wii, PC & DS)

Dance Central - (Xbox360)

Fifa 11 - (X360, PS3, Wii, PC, PS2, PSP & DS)

Halo: Reach - (Xbox 360)

Heavy Rain - (PS3)

Limbo - (Xbox 360)

Mass Effect 2 - (Xbox 360, PC & PS3)

Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - (PS3, Xbox360, Wii & PC)

Red Dead Redemption - (Xbox 360 & PS3)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - (Wii)

If Your interested on what I voted for it was between 3 for me Heavy Rain, Red Dead Redemption and Super Mario Galaxy 2. In the end I went with heavy rain, the game just did it for me and was something like Ive never played before. But don't let my choice sway you its up to you which is your favourite. So who desurves the title of Best video game of 2010.

Here's the link to the site and information on each game:

And here's the page to vote:

One other good reason to vote is that you will be entered into a prize draw where you could WIN a Microsoft Home Entertainment System!! which is always a bonus :)

The Winners
You Voted and Here are the winners and the awards they won.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Artistic Achievement
God of War III
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Cut the Rope
Kinect Sports
Original Music
Heavy Rain
Social Network Game
My Empire
Technical Innovation
Heavy Rain
Use of Audio
Battlefield: Bad
Company: 2
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
F1 2010
Heavy Rain
Civilization V
Best Game
Mass Effect 2
BAFTA Ones To Watch Award
GAME Award 2010
Call of Duty: Black Ops

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